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Boiler Installations
Need a conversion to update the system you have or just free up more space to make the most of your home. Get instant hot water & heating no waiting around! Make your home more energy efficient & save upto 40% on your energy bills.
Boiler Installation.
New Boilers
Do you need a new boiler? We can provide you with a quote on all boilers from the low end range of Main boilers to top end Vaillant boilers.
Let us know what your needs are & we can provide the best advice to suit your needs
Brand new boiler installed.
Electric Boilers HRUS
No Gas? No Problem! We will provide you with a range of electric boilers to suit your home, If you need more power or pressure we can advise you on the best product for your home.
Anthony Cachia owner of DPH pictured with a newly installed boiler.
Landlord Gas Safety Certificates
Need your annual gas safety check. This is a legal requirement by law for all homes to ensure no one in any dwelling comes to harm. If you own or rent your property ensure this is in place as your safety comes first.